Naming Series doesn't work with .####

There seems to be some misbehaviour with naming series…

The series increment fine when using a series with the default number of digits, for example “E-” goes like “E-00001, E-00002, E-00003” etc.

But when I try to force a specific number of digits, like “E-.#######” the series won’t update and all the records are saved as “E-.#######” in database.

I even tried to use a standard DocType as an example, since I found that in “Campaign” there is a naming series with four digits. (Campaign-.####).
The value in database is always “Campaign-.####” and not “Campaign-0001, Campaign-0002”.

SELECT name, naming_series FROM tabCampaign;
| name          | naming_series  |
| Testikampanja | Campaign-.#### |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> SELECT * FROM tabSeries WHERE name LIKE '%Cam%';
> Empty set (0.00 sec)

You will need to update the last series number also. Have you done that?

Yes, I have.

I tried to update the series number again and created a new Campaign, but it gets the same value for the field “naming_series” (Campaign-.####)

I need to add digits to my own naming series but I don’t seem to get it working even with a standard DocType.

MariaDB [xxx]> SELECT * FROM tabSeries WHERE name LIKE 'Cam%';
| name      | current |
| Campaign- |       1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [xxx]> SELECT name, naming_series FROM tabCampaign;
| name          | naming_series  |
| Testikampanja | Campaign-.#### |
| Uusi testi    | Campaign-.#### |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)