Need 5 decimal place

Hello Everyone,

Can you please help me? How can I add 5 decimal place in all transactions? (Sales Order, Sales Invoice, Payment Entry, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice, and etc) I’ve already change the Doctype Currency → Number Format, Change the System Settings and check the global setting but nothing happens.

(Please see screenshot below)

I need to have 5 decimal place in Price Rate, Net Total, Price Total, Grand Total.

Please help. Thank you so much. :slight_smile:


You will need to set the currency and float precision to 5 in System Settings

Hi @makarand_b,

already did that. but nothing happen

(please screenshot)

This will be applied on the Float Type fields only. For the Currency field, you should set precision for the specific field from Customize Form.

You can also use Currency Precision field in System Settings to globally set precision for Currency fields.

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Okay. Thank you :slight_smile: