Hi All,
I need autoselect user when creating new expense claim transaction or for any transactions
Thanks in Advance
Hi All,
I need autoselect user when creating new expense claim transaction or for any transactions
Is the expense claim god? How does it know which users to select?
for example shalini devi end user in her login create expense claim it should autoselect the shalini devi employee field
possible, but if user_id linked with the employee. you can do it using the client script, it’s so simple!
you can make a user employee and then give the employee self-service role
can u please give me a client script for this i new to erpnext and coding so please
I think you have to understand a few concepts of client script, otherwise, you won’t know anything. So learn a little yourself, and teach people
Please check the @Jeel reference and learn:
How it work?
frappe.ui.form.on('Expense Claim', {
refresh: function(frm) {
if (!frm.doc.employee) {
frappe.db.get_value("Employee", {"user_id": frappe.session.user}, "name", function(value) {
if (value.name) {
frm.set_value('employee', value.name);