Need help for Custom Client script

In my custom app, while fetching value through client script not working, error 404.

Client Script

frappe.ui.form.on('Labour Bill Payment', 'btnload', function(frm) {{
		method: "",
		args: {"item_code":frm.doc.labour},
		callback: function(r) {
		if(r.message) {

Py file

def get_item_details(item_code):
    item = frappe.db.sql("""select lab_mc, lab_type,lab_ma,lab_sc
        from `tabLabour` where name = %s""", item_code, as_dict=1)
    return item.lab_mc

Try by adding [0][0] at the end of the frappe.db.sql()

item = frappe.db.sql(“”“select lab_mc, lab_type,lab_ma,lab_sc
from tabLabour where name = %s”“”, item_code, as_dict=1)[0][0]

Is that path correct? Try changing it. Maybe “construction.client.get_item_details”.

I tried with adding [0][0]at the end but the result shows in the console as

   at Anonymous function (
   at i (
   at j.fireWith (
   at z (
   at Anonymous function (

yes, Path is correct.

Can you check what you are getting in r.message ?
Also check data returning from query in py file.

@Thangamani_M Please make sure the path of python file(in which your function is defined ) is correct or not
here ‘get_lead_details’ is a function and which is defined in ‘’
method: “erpnext.crm.doctype.lead.lead.get_lead_details”,

Thank you, I got solution

“Thank you, I got solution”

Please do post it here thanks!