Need Help with Fetching HTML Data

how can i fetch this data when i create quotation normal fields i can fetch but how can i fetch html fields

normal field i can fetch but html can’t

this is the script i am using for normal field fetching

Please check this.

Another reference: Fetch address text on a custom field - #2 by NCP

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its not working out can you provide me with the code file i m fetching data to quotation from opportunity doctype my opportunity doctype field name is contact_html and in quotation the field name is custom_contact_html
thanks in advance

Why create unnecessary complexity when the required code is already available in the documentation, along with detailed explanations and steps? Please refer to that.

HTML format for, you have to find the code in base, how it calls.

my requirement are different here i m not fetching data on selecting the address or contact i m fetching the field based on another document or from another document