Need help with this error (ERPnext v15)

I updated to ERPNext v15 not too long ago. I need some help on trying to fix this error. I can still use ERPnext in production mode. I just want to know what this error is and how to fix it? The initial log in to my ERPnext site is really slow now. Any ideas on that?

@OmelMedina , While updating, some files and folders have been added back to the frappe bench so it needs permission again where your frappe-bench

sudo chmod -R o+rx /home/frappe


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Maybe need update nodejs + npm

Hope it helps!

Hi Suresh,

The command reads back this

sudo chmod -R o+rx /home/frappe
chmod: cannot access ‘/home/frappe-bench’: No such file or directory

I did that in my regular directory and frappe-bench directory

@OmelMedina use this

bench setup supervisor

sudo supervisorctl reload