New app not showing on frappe/erpnext desktop

I have created a new app/module which shows up on the desktop when I choose the site created with that app as a default site.

We would like for that module/app and doctypes to be visible within erpnext.

  1. We can see the app from the Application Installer and click install and it shows “Installed”
  2. Under Setup… Show or Hide Modules we also see the module and have clicked the checkbox.

However the associated Doctypes are not visible and the icon does not show up on the desktop. Privileges for the Doctypes were setup so that all users could see/do everything and also the Administrator.

Any suggestions?

Sorry did not fully get your question. You have to install your app on all sites (if I understood correctly).

Yes, I have installed the app into all my sites but the icon still is not on the desktop and I cannot see the doctypes for this app.

To be more specific I have a site called site1.local which has frappe and erpnext installed. I have “installed” my app logged in as the Administrator on erpnext. I have also use the command prompt to execute:
“bench frappe site1.local --install_app marina_management”
(with the response->) “App Already Installed”

I just need the icon to show on the desktop and for doctypes to be visible.

Another note is that when I click on the “All Apllications” from the desktop, my application does not show up.

I think I figured it out, I just executed and now things are working.
bench frappe --latest

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