does anyone have any idea how to get notification when i receive a email…
no one ?
How did you set it up ?
as per erpnext official …
i have inbox in communications…
are u able to get notifications for new emails ?
Yes I am
as per this :
but i dont have email icon nor do i get ay notifcation for any new email…
do i need to setup any notifcations setting ? if u know…
where do u get the notification ? are u on erpnext 12 or 13 ? can u share a screenshoot…
Top Right hand “bell”
Under Communications as well … you should see email Email Inbox on the left nav bar.

yes i have bell icon but it give no notifications…
the erpnext guide say email icon will be visible… what do they mean …
i do have email inbox in communication but my concern is how to get notification… how do i know if an email has arrived… bell icon does nothing… i have sent myself many test email too… they come in inbox but no notifcaitons…
So the “Bell” should show a little color dot , i don’t have a screen shot … that should indicate that you have new comms.
Also check :
i think the color dot means a notifications but there is nothing especially for email i guess… a system can make many notifications but emails should be given priority…
let me try that append to communication buddy…
Have a look at these links … may shed some light.
notification cant be set up for emails because when u set a new notifiction for a new email it itself has option of alert type then email n slack… getting a email for a new email notifxation imakes no sene… slack i dont see much use either…
Aitomatic linking isnt for thie type of notification either
also in the open dicuments the no. means total no.of record thats are open… it doesnt mean no. of new emails
If you click on communications under the Bell it will take you to the email inbox , there the system will only display emails from the email account that the user is linked to but you can filter on “blank” under the status field , which will show all if you have the access…
On the left of the email inbox you will see
of course you can see all emails… my question is email notification… how do you know if you received a new email… cant keep going to communications and check all day…
Currently the notifications indicator does not show , its a bug.
Log It as an issue…
If you require something like a popup to say “you have new mail” , its a customization.