Hi friends, I just installed a fresh Ubuntu system on my laptop and deployed ERPNext version 15. On setting up I have a default company not found error. How can this be solved. I’ve updated successfully yet error persists.
So I commented out these lines to proceed:
# {
# "default_currency": args.get("currency"),
# "default_company": args.get("company_name"),
# "country": args.get("country"),
# }
On creating a company I get a payroll_payable_account object error on Company. It appears the issue is with the dev HRMS app. App was removed and I did a bench update --reset. All is good now. I would say the HRMS may need some further tweaking for version 15. Any one who has done this may update this thread to help others. Thanks.
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in witch file did you comented out ? cause i have the sane issue