[New Release] ERPNext Analytics!

Dear all,

We are happy to announce our newest update and possibly the best update to ERPNext yet...


We started this project last Thursday after a conversation we had over lunch to try out a new strategy for reports. We ended up doing nothing else for the entire week and now we are happy to release this update.

We loved every moment making this feature and we hope you will love using it.


ps. Its already live (just check your Account, Stock, Selling and Buying pages!)

W: https://erpnext.com
T: @rushabh_mehta

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Checked it out, amazing, a fundamental step ahead, congrats, robert

On Friday, September 21, 2012 7:00:56 PM UTC+2, Rushabh Mehta wrote:

Dear all,

We are happy to announce our newest update and possibly the best update to ERPNext yet…

We started this project last Thursday after a conversation we had over lunch to try out a new strategy for reports. We ended up doing nothing else for the entire week and now we are happy to release this update.

We loved every moment making this feature and we hope you will love using it.


ps. Its already live (just check your Account, Stock, Selling and Buying pages!)

W: https://erpnext.com
T: @rushabh_mehta

Dear Rushabh,

Its a great addition since I believe a lot of users were facing a problem of a lot of data being at their disposal but not enough tools to analyse that data. But with release of this analytics, I think the days of no use of data are over.

Though its a great release, it still makes me desire for more. I have tried to use the new release and found out the following:

  1. General Things desired in Analytics:
    • There should be an easier way to collapse all the groups or a sub group
    • The multi-select at the bottom is a great thing but it also denies the people to search for a particular thing.
  2. Sales Analytics:
    • This basically shows the time axis not in a constant duration. Like if we see the sales analytic on a monthly basis then one point on X-Axis would be A=31-05-2011, B=01-06-2011 and C=30-06-2011 therefore the difference is not constant which does not give a true graph but a somewhat skewed graph whereas actually the points should have been A=01-05-2011, B=01-06-2011, C=01-07-2011 which would have given a better graph.
    • The current system has a bar graph type feeling but we could add an option for line graph feeling which is already there in the other analytic.
    • The multi-select is great but there should also be an option to search for customers when we want to see the graph for a particular customer, rather going into the group and select it manually after searching. But the multi-select is great for comparison.
    • Similar to above we could have search for item as well.
    • Currently it is based on Sales Invoices but then we could also have this analysis on Sales Order and Delivery Notes.
    • There should be an option to analyse the sales by Sales person as well, it would be great tool to gauge the performance of a sales person. May be later we could have group of sales person who under a manager and then we could gauge the performance of that manager as well.
More to come as and when I see them in detail…

On Sunday, September 23, 2012 2:33:14 PM UTC+5:30, robert wrote:
Checked it out, amazing, a fundamental step ahead, congrats, robert

On Friday, September 21, 2012 7:00:56 PM UTC+2, Rushabh Mehta wrote:
Dear all,

We are happy to announce our newest update and possibly the best update to ERPNext yet…

We started this project last Thursday after a conversation we had over lunch to try out a new strategy for reports. We ended up doing nothing else for the entire week and now we are happy to release this update.

We loved every moment making this feature and we hope you will love using it.


ps. Its already live (just check your Account, Stock, Selling and Buying pages!)

W: https://erpnext.com
T: @rushabh_mehta

Dear Rushabh,

A small suggestion came to my mind while working on the Sales Analytics, I know you must be saying why am I talking about that only but during tough days you know everyone just looks at the sales analytics ;).

The suggestion is that while working on sale analytics I found that if I want to open a customer in a new tab then there is no way of doing that, I am not saying that the link button is not good, it is great but it would be awesome if we could some how right click on customer or item to open in a new tab.

On Friday, September 21, 2012 10:30:56 PM UTC+5:30, Rushabh Mehta wrote:

Dear all,

We are happy to announce our newest update and possibly the best update to ERPNext yet…

We started this project last Thursday after a conversation we had over lunch to try out a new strategy for reports. We ended up doing nothing else for the entire week and now we are happy to release this update.

We loved every moment making this feature and we hope you will love using it.


ps. Its already live (just check your Account, Stock, Selling and Buying pages!)

W: https://erpnext.com
T: @rushabh_mehta

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Hi Aditya,

Thanks for the suggestion. Tiny details are what make something delightful. 

We have implemented the suggestion. Please refresh the report and you should be able to right click and open it in a new tab. 


PS: To open in a new tab, you can also do Ctrl + left click (for mac users - its Cmd + left click)

On 05-Oct-2012, at 6:23 PM, Addy <ad...@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Rushabh,

A small suggestion came to my mind while working on the Sales Analytics, I know you must be saying why am I talking about that only but during tough days you know everyone just looks at the sales analytics ;).

The suggestion is that while working on sale analytics I found that if I want to open a customer in a new tab then there is no way of doing that, I am not saying that the link button is not good, it is great but it would be awesome if we could some how right click on customer or item to open in a new tab.

On Friday, September 21, 2012 10:30:56 PM UTC+5:30, Rushabh Mehta wrote:
Dear all,

We are happy to announce our newest update and possibly the best update to ERPNext yet...

We started this project last Thursday after a conversation we had over lunch to try out a new strategy for reports. We ended up doing nothing else for the entire week and now we are happy to release this update.

We loved every moment making this feature and we hope you will love using it.


ps. Its already live (just check your Account, Stock, Selling and Buying pages!)

W: https://erpnext.com
T: @rushabh_mehta

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Hi Anand,

Great work man, did not expect this to be implemented so soon, though it took me a while to figure out that I don’t need to right click on the customer but on the small box right besides the customer to open it in new window.

Though I would like to bring up a bug in this which I will be mailing on support.

I have found out another amazing thing that the new reports that you people are making are awesome, like the customer contacts report which has been added to the system.

I would suggest wouldn’t it be great if you could share how to make the reports based on the new module of analytic so that even people like me could chip in with our small contributions in making reports at least, since that is the only thing I think I could give back the community apart from my suggestion.

Would love to learn as to how to make new analytic or add new options to them.

On Friday, October 5, 2012 8:42:00 PM UTC+5:30, Anand Doshi wrote:

Hi Aditya,

Thanks for the suggestion. Tiny details are what make something delightful. 

We have implemented the suggestion. Please refresh the report and you should be able to right click and open it in a new tab. 


PS: To open in a new tab, you can also do Ctrl + left click (for mac users - its Cmd + left click)

On 05-Oct-2012, at 6:23 PM, Addy <ad…@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Rushabh,

A small suggestion came to my mind while working on the Sales Analytics, I know you must be saying why am I talking about that only but during tough days you know everyone just looks at the sales analytics ;).

The suggestion is that while working on sale analytics I found that if I want to open a customer in a new tab then there is no way of doing that, I am not saying that the link button is not good, it is great but it would be awesome if we could some how right click on customer or item to open in a new tab.

On Friday, September 21, 2012 10:30:56 PM UTC+5:30, Rushabh Mehta wrote:
Dear all,

We are happy to announce our newest update and possibly the best update to ERPNext yet…

We started this project last Thursday after a conversation we had over lunch to try out a new strategy for reports. We ended up doing nothing else for the entire week and now we are happy to release this update.

We loved every moment making this feature and we hope you will love using it.


ps. Its already live (just check your Account, Stock, Selling and Buying pages!)

W: https://erpnext.com
T: @rushabh_mehta