New Spanish antifraud law


It was a long time since I wrote in here.

Not many problems, everything has been running smoothly lately.

The problem I bring today is from a different nature. As you probably now, you Spanish User, there are new rules coming into effect next year about the software that we can use in any company, that has to be certified to the Spanish Treasure…

How are you addressing this? I am afraid that this could be the end of our adventure with ERPNext that brought us so good experiences, and that for us started in 2014!

It is sad that while all the world is innovating, and searching better tools, here in Europe and especially in Spain, they are only worried about regulating more and more, and making everything more difficult…

Thanks and kind regards from Spain,


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Hi pagliaso,

it might be a good idea to provide a link to the new Spanish law, though, that everyone could take a look and check what is required to continue using ERPNext.

Just searched the web a bit and found what Odoo is or has been doing about it.

To me, it looks like you need a module that is able to send invoices to the Spanish Tax Authorities and certify that the software is not a dual-use invoicing system. But I’m not a lawyer or programmer.


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Thanks @ste_885932BDX, that was a very good idea.

(sorry I had misreaded your message and just edited mine)

There is a link to the law at the end of the article, I am sorry the law is in Spanish

I am neither nor developer nor lawyer, nor specially accountant.

Many thanks and kind regards from Spain,
