New Stock Reconciliation Error


I tried to do a stock reconciliation using the cloud version. When I clicked the button, there was nothing show up on the dashboard. Did anyone experience this situation?


Seems to be working fine in the test account.

Please try reloading the instance using CTRL+Shift+R.

Ok, I beg to differ on this. I have a fresh production installation and have been attempting to upload an initial stock level list (via Items.csv) using the template I downloaded from the same screen. The following are the screen shots of the steps I take and the resulting blank screen.

First I attempt to upload the file:


After I click the “Upload” button on the screen above, I get the following screen:

Now it appears the file is uploaded and ready to update the database. So, I click on the “Update” button on the screen above and I am presented with the following screen:

Notice that NOTHING was loaded into the Item list. There is noting to be saved, yet the Items.csv file was loaded with over 2,000 lines of data.

Here is the current version of the Production install I an using on Google Cloud Platform:

Installed Apps

ERPNext: v9.2.3 (master)

Frappe Framework: v9.2.4 (master)

This is a real issue. I cannot get any of the inventory levels loaded into the system with this feature not working.

What other data does someone need in order to look into this properly?



I can take the same exact data and load it into a version 8 system and it works perfectly.


Further testing has revealed that the New Stock Reconciliation has some unknown limit on the number of lines it can process when you upload a populated version of “Items.csv” for it to process. If the file is longer than the unknown limit, it simply refuses to process the file and generates no errors or warnings.

My original file had 4427 lines - would not work.
shortened file to 2000 lines - still would not work
shortened file to 500 lines - This one worked!!

Loaded the rest of the lines in batches of 500 to get them all to load.

There needs to be some sort of error handling for this function that alerts the user to review their source file. Currently, the user gets nothing in the way of failure or success. It just looks like the screen is not working.

Interestingly, the version 8 ERPNext test site I setup had no problem with the 4427 line file. It only failed on the version 9 system running on an identical Debian 8 server.

Very frustrating!!


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