No image in preview and PDF with Print Designer App

I’m using the Print Designer app which working great in building view. All images are showing ect, but when I go to quotation and preview for printing or via PDF, I don’t have any images on it.

I have the wkhtmltopdf (with patched qt) install on my server. Any one know how can i fix it ?

PS : I have no showing error in consol or other.

Make sure your images are stored publicly (not in /files/private/…)

Hi, thanks for your reply, but I put all in public and it’s still not showing. How can check if there is an error ?

hi did we solve this problem i also facing the same issue. thank you

Facing the same issue. Can Frappe Team help?

I had a similar issue. For me, the problem was that it was a .webp image. A JPG or PNG showed fine for PDF