No module named 'frappe.core.doctype.utm_source' in setup wizard

how can i fix it

Hello there friend I wanted to ask what version of Frappe and ErpNext are you running
Cause I have doing tests and it seems like the issue could be version incompatibility from my understanding at the moment


That’s the truth.

Am currently facing that exact error.Any help on how it can be solved?

It might be a version mismatch start there and see how things go

First, back up your site

bench --site your-site-name backup

Remove the version of ERPNext

bench remove-app erpnext

Get the stable version of ERPNext that matches Frappe v15

bench get-app --branch version-15
bench --site your-site-name install-app erpnext
bench --site your-site-name migrate
bench clear-cache
bench restart