No option of total quantity as per stock uom in print

I want to sell my apperal as sets and in some sets there are 3 pcs in some there are 4 i used uom conversion now i bill them as set and in printing i have enabled quantu as per stock uom but there is no option to add total quantity as per stock uom in totala field
Any suggestions what we can do

This is working as expected. An item that contains three pieces will show
a single item, yes?

Perhaps try using a Product Bundle instead. This way you can list the
qty of individual items (considered pick list).

Maybe you could create UOM like “3-pack” and “4-pack” and add the respective conversion factor 3 / 4 with respect to stock UOM which is probably set to “Nos”.

You could then set prices specific to the item AND it’s packaging (if you sell the pack with another price than the individual item), and still get the stock inventory counted per Nos because it’s the stock’s standard UOM.

I have a lot of items and cant do that i just want that when i orint i want afeild of total as stock uom