No option to sell multiple purchased items as package

Its very important for company to sell package items (group of items together) and also set price for individual items at the time of selling . Example:

  1. Domain
  2. Hosting
  3. Web Design

Together as “Web design package” . All individual price will be updateable in sales order and sales invoice , And transaction will be logged in different 3 different account head (domain,hosting,web for individual selling) and also in (web design package for package selling). Is it possible in ERPNext ?


This is possible in ERPNext. You can create three service item, and select it one-by-one in the transaction. Each item will have separate rate, and option to carry different income account.

If package includes stock items, you can use Sales BOM feature in ERPNext.

Hello umair

Thanks a lot for your replay. I understand I can sale each service item individually and can keep track of income . But I want to keep track of package selling too . How can I do that ? Also I want that when sales person sell a a package not an individual item he can select package directly . He don’t need to add individual items every time. Is that possible ?

Any update about selling multiple purchased items together ? Where Sales person can select the package and multiple items will be added to sales order . Sales person can add extra items with price also if he wants . Price for all existing items in the package will be fetched from price list or can be set like regular item price . Is it possible ? please help

I think Sales BOM feature can handle that.

I do not think its possible via regular Sales BOM (I,m not sure ) . First of all my items are not stock items. I,m purchasing services and selling them . 2nd I saw that sales BOM doesn’t fetch child items price and also there is no option to enter price in sales order too . Is is possible to sell service items with sales BOM ?