Created a custom dialog to select 3 parameters for creating a default BOM for a custom field custom_followup_bom in the Purchase Order Item child table. Two parameters (Pot Size and Soil Type) are Item Attribute Values:
frappe.ui.form.ControlLink.link_options = function(link) {
if ((link.df.dt == "Purchase Order Item") &&
(link.df.fieldname == "custom_followup_bom")) {
let title = "Create Default BOM";
return [{
html: "<span class='link-option'>" +
"<i class='fa fa-plus' style='margin-right: 5px;'></i> " +
__(title) +
label: __(title),
value: "create_default__link_option",
action: () => {
let d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title: title,
fields: [{
label: "Item",
fieldname: "item",
fieldtype: "Data",
}, {
label: "Pot Size",
fieldname: "potSz",
fieldtype: "Link",
options: "Item Attribute Value",
get_query() {
return {
query: "wg_erp.api.get_attr_vals",
filters: { "attr": "PotSize" }
}, {
label: "Sell Price",
fieldname: "sellPrice",
fieldtype: "Float",
}, {
label: "Soil Type",
fieldname: "soilTp",
fieldtype: "Link",
options: "Item Attribute Value",
get_query() {
return {
query: "wg_erp.api.get_attr_vals",
filters: { "attr": "SoilType" }
size: "small",
primary_action_label: "Create",
primary_action(values) {
if (!values.potSz) {
frappe.msgprint("Require Pot Size", title);
} else if (values.sellPrice == "0") {
frappe.msgprint("Invalid Sell Price", title);
} else if (!values.soilTp) {
frappe.msgprint("Require Soil Type", title);
} else {
method: "create_default_bom",
args: {
item_code: link.doc.item_code,
pot_sz: values.potSz,
sell_price: values.sellPrice,
soil_tp: values.soilTp,
}).then((success) => {
sm = success.message;
msg = sm.msgInsVar;
msg = (msg? msg + "<br/>": "") + sm.msg;
if (sm.bom_name != "")
link.doctype, link.docname,
"custom_followup_bom", sm.bom_name);
frappe.utils.play_sound(sm.status == "error"?
"error": "submit");
frappe.msgprint(msg, title);
}, (error) => {
let n = link.doc.item_code.indexOf("-");
let itemCode = (n > -1)?
link.doc.item_code.substring(0, n):
frappe.db.get_value("Item", itemCode, "custom_full_name")
.then(r => d.set_value("item", r.message.custom_full_name));
d.set_df_property("item", "read_only", 1);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 600);
The two Link fields for the Item Attribute Values call a backend Python function in a custom app wg_erp.api.get_attr_vals
import frappe
def get_attr_vals(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
attr = filters["attr"]
s_txt = "%" + txt.replace("'", "''") + "%" if txt != "" else "%"
return frappe.db.sql(f"""
select abbr, attribute_value
from `tabItem Attribute Value`
where (parenttype = 'Item Attribute') and
(parent = '{attr}') and
((name like '{s_txt}') or (attribute_value like '{s_txt}'))
order by abbr
When opening the dialog and the Pot Size field is focused, the values are shown nicely in the drop-down list. But when confirming a value with Enter the following message is displayed:
You do not have Read or Select Permissions for Item Attribute Value
This message does not appear for the Administrator, only for regular users. But even when assigning all Roles and Modules to a user on their Roles & Permissions tab the error pops up. Tried to assign permissions with the Role Permissions Manager, but it’s not possible for Item Attribute Value. Tried to hack the permissions table and copied an existing row with System Manager permissions:
insert into `tabCustom DocPerm` (`name`, `creation`, `modified`, `modified_by`,
`owner`, `docstatus`, `idx`, `parent`, `role`, `if_owner`, `permlevel`,
`select`, `read`, `write`, `create`, `delete`, `submit`, `cancel`, `amend`,
`report`, `export`, `import`, `share`, `print`, `email`, `_user_tags`,
`_comments`, `_assign`, `_liked_by`)
select 'ei27rc790t', now(), now(), `modified_by`, `owner`, `docstatus`, 0,
'Item Attribute Value', `role`, `if_owner`, `permlevel`, `select`, `read`,
`write`, `create`, `delete`, `submit`, `cancel`, `amend`, `report`, `export`,
`import`, `share`, `print`, `email`, `_user_tags`, `_comments`, `_assign`,
from `tabCustom DocPerm`
where (`name` = 'ei27rc790s');
and the permissions then showed up in Role Permissions Manager also, but the error persists.
Any hints to resolve this are highly appreciated!