Non Profit in ERPNext

Need explanation about non-profit in erpnext.
What is the purpose?
What is the use of this module?
what is the use of each and every doctype? and connections between those doctypes?
Getting error while trying to open the documentation related to this module also.
Need help!

Dear @Kiranmai ,

  1. Non-Profit refers to the operations of business which are run - not for profit.
  2. Examples include Trusts, Societies, Welfare Organisations etc.
  3. This module is specifically to handle the Non-Profit operations of ERPNext.
  4. A business run for profit would completely vary from a business which is run for charity or non-profit purposes.
  5. Non-Profit business will have unique used cases like receipt of grants, receipt of donations, payment for charity etc. Each doctype will cater to one of the non-standard aspects of normal business.
  6. Documentation is old and not updated and hence may not reflect the actual / ground reality.

@Kabir Thank you for your reply.
I have another doubt.
Iam unable find the web form of donation?

There is no web form of donation.

You have to create a new web form for that.

Okay @NCP
What about the company field in this ??

Not too much idea about the Non-Profit module.

@NCP Okay sir, thank you for the help so far!
Why Im getting error while trying to open the erpnext documentation regarding this module sir?

Because the documentation page is not published, maybe due to maintenance or updating a new doc, I’m not sure.

Ohh!! Okay @NCP