Non standard Script report not generating any files

i have created script report but standard = ‘NO’ it has not generated any files and i have created this report in custom module (app). i basically want to push my code on git but as of no files got created even when i created new report i can’t push my report code.

Hi @Abhishek_Jadhav1,

If you want to add the code to your custom app then You have to set the standard = “Yes”


  1. Set Report Type as “Script Report”
  2. Set “Is Standard” as “Yes”
  3. Select the Module in which you want to add this report
  4. In the module folder (for example if it is Accounts in ERPnext the folder will be erpnext/accounts/report/[report-name]) you will see that templates for the report files will be created.
  5. Write your python script in the generated {report-name}.py file.
  6. You can add filters to your report by adding them to {report-name}.js

Please check the second video.

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