'NoneType' object is not ittrable [Bench Update]


I just perform bench update command in my production server. it pull some frappe updates and my own app updates. But it will failed in migration process.

Here is my traceback. Is there any frappe update. which will cause this error. Because i am successfully run my own app before bench update.

Hardik Gadesha

Hi @Hardik_Gadesha

It seems you have update the frappe application but not an erpnext application. Kindly pull the latest code for erpnext application, run bench migrate command and check it.

Hello @rohit_w

I have my own ERPNext app with modification…and i pushed it in my own repo…so how can i resolve this problem to use my own ERPNext rather than ERPNext from git.

Hardik Gadesha

Hi @Hardik_Gadesha

As you have pull the latest code in the frappe application, you must have to pull the latest code for erpnext app as well. If you have did a lot of changes in the core files then during update there might chances of conflicts. So you have to manually resolve the conflicts, better to take help from the expertise during updation of erpnext application.

Okay @rohit_w

Thanks For The Help :slight_smile: