Not able to attach resume while creating job applicant

Hi everyone,

I am unable to upload the resume while creating a job applicant, but if I edit the job applicant’s profile, then I am able to upload the resume without any errors.

here’s the screenshot while creating the profile.

here’s the screenshot of same profile I’m updating.

can someone help me in this? I want to upload file while creating the job applicant

Worked properly.

Hi @NCP ,
Thank you for the reply. I have attached recordings of my system. can you please have a look at it and help me.

Check the role permission for the job applicant. and test it in the stable version, not develop version.

And mainly first fill up the mandatory field and check it.

yes, I do have checked role permissions and the permissions are granted to write.
also im using it in stable version :

erpnext 15.18.3
frappe 15.19.1
hrms 15.15.0

I have tried by filling up the mandatory fields but still the error pops up. (I ensured that the video was crisp and to the point, so I did not fill out the entire form. :grinning:)

Check File Manager permission

file permissions are also granted.

Last option, please update the version and check it.

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okay, will try this. thank you for the help.