I tried bench clear-cache , restart , build but stil not able to edit , where as i am able to modify other doctypes in custom app . The doctype which i am trying to modify is under a custom app tried install, unistall of app as well but still facing this
I was trying to Modify the column name of a field by clicking customise-form option , where i should i be selecting edit doctype option where i am able to modify the field column name
I already mentioned that you can rename a field directly from the Custom Field doctype if it is a custom field. However, if it is a custom doctype, you can rename it directly from the doctype itself. There is no need to go to the Customize Form option to rename it.
For example:
If a user has created a custom field in the Sales Invoice doctype and wants to change the field name, they can follow the steps I explained in the post above.