Not able to install Frappe using script

Here is easy_install.log file
2024-04-26 05:34:54,163 - INFO - Running Production Setup
2024-04-26 05:34:54,808 - INFO - Downloaded frappe_docker zip file from GitHub
2024-04-26 05:34:54,846 - INFO - Unzipped and Renamed frappe_docker
2024-04-26 05:34:54,846 - INFO - Removed the downloaded zip file
2024-04-26 05:34:54,866 - ERROR - Docker Compose generation failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/saurabh/easy-install-frappe/”, line 150, in setup_prod
File “/usr/lib/python3.10/”, line 526, in run
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command ‘[’/usr/bin/docker’, ‘compose’, ‘–project-name’, ‘frappe’, ‘-f’, ‘compose.yaml’, ‘-f’, ‘overrides/compose.mariadb.yaml’, ‘-f’, ‘overrides/compose.redis.yaml’, ‘-f’, ‘overrides/compose.https.yaml’, ‘–env-file’, ‘.env’, ‘config’]’ returned non-zero exit status 125.

i was using old docker version
updated docker , now it is running