Not able to view unhide CRM from sidebar

Hello everyone,

I recently restored a database file of version 14 to version 15, in 14th version I used to work with LinkedIn settings and Twitter Settings. and I used to hide CRM module in v14

so, now I want to unhide CRM module in the current system (v15) it results me in error. (Could not find Row #14: Link To: Social Media Post, Row #21: Link To: Twitter Settings, Row #22: Link To: LinkedIn Settings)

Can anyone help me in this? I actually want to go back to v14. is there any idea how we can migrate?

Current Versions:

ERPNext: v14.x.x-develop () (develop)

Frappe Framework: v15.x.x-develop () (develop)

Frappe HR: v16.0.0-dev (develop)

Previous Versions:

ERPNext: v14.65.3 (version-14)

Frappe Framework: v14.67.1 (version-14)

Frappe HR: v16.0.0-dev (develop)

Hi @harshvadhiya,

Because of

Twitter Settings: Integration doesn’t work anymore due to Twitter’s API changes. This has been removed from ERPNext starting from v15.

LinkedIn Settings: Integration is deprecated and will be removed in v15.

Please check the documentation because it is already mentioned.

Thank You!

Hi @NCP,
Thank you for the reply. But how can I move back to version14 now?

simple, again restore the older database in version 14 which you restored in version 15.

Thank You!

Do I need to reinstall erpnext? (v14)??

is there any command to downgrade directly from 15 to 14. without losing data?

You can apply the switch-to-branch but I’m not sure.

but I suggest that you restore the database in v14.

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okay, thanks

I’m restoring db in v14 but it is resulting in error:

Table 'tabDefaultValue' missing in the restored site. Database not installed correctly, this can due to lack of permission, or that the database name exists. Check your mysql root password, validity of the backup file or use --force to reinstall

can you please help me in this?

Please check it in the forum

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Sure, thanks.