Not Effecting in POS after creating BOM

I am creating pizza from BOM, & have created 2 pizzas.
but when i go to POS for selling it, it showing me red mark means doesn’t exist in stock.
please help.

Did you produced them after creating BOM & before selling it?

I’ve created item. them PO PR etc. then BOM, then when i go to POS. i doesn’t showing me in stock. but in stock ledge its showing me that how much amount of yeast, flour , tomatoes etc have used in pizza.
did you understand what i mean?

Check if you have selected a Warehouse in the POS profile and check if there is stock of Pizza in that Warehouse.

Ok will try thanks.
will disturb you again if needed. :slight_smile:

We use a Production Order (after BOM) to generate the new product and mark the target warehouse to be the same one the POS profile uses to sell items.

Hope that helps.