Not getting Correct values in Salary Slip

Hi all,

I have entered the Base salaries under the “Select employees for current Salary Structure” section.

After which I proceeded towards the Earning and Deduction Section.

I had entered Basic Components (2 in number) based on conditions.
Same for DA and IT.

I am attaching the screenshot also.

When I am trying to generate the Salary Slip, all the components are coming as 0.

Can anyone help with this?


@admins Can anyone of you please help out? Thanks in advance.

Hello Anand,

Have you updated Base’ field in Salary Structure? Please check.


Yes, @prakash_hodage , I have updated Base field value for all employees. I am not sure why its retrieving such values.

This seems to be working fine in test account. Refer the attachment. Can you please share the screenshot of the salary structure with base amount.

salary slip generated

Hi @ArundhatiS PFA all the screenshots w.r.t Salary Component, Salary Structure and Salary Slip Preview.

@admins , @ArundhatiS , @prakash_hodage : Request your kind attention in solving this problem.

Please have in mind that there are edits to the actual values of Salaries, the actual ones have been in conjunction with the Salary components and Formulae.

Can somebody please help on this?


As replied this is working fine in the test account. Which version you are on? Also can you try creating a fresh test salary structure and see if the issue is replicating.

I had tried twice.


ERPNext: v8.0.39 (master)

Frappe Framework: v8.0.59 (master)

@ArundhatiS I guess the issue was with the space in the formulae, I did it without that and it worked.

If any further issues, I shall raise another thread.