Notifications not working

Dear All,

I m a frappe cloud user. i have created several notifications but non of them are working, means no email or system notification is sent. but if i set anything to update after the notification is triggered, that is working.

please advise on this.


Please check Email Queue and Error log to find out the reason behind it.


Divyesh M.

Hi @mangroliya , Thank you for the response.

below is my error which is logged for the notification, can you check and tell me what went wrong here,

Traceback with variables (most recent call last):
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/email/doctype/notification/", line 188, in send
    self.create_system_notification(doc, context)
      self = <Notification: New Lead>
      doc = <Lead: CRMLED2400006>
      context = {'doc': <Lead: CRMLED2400006>, 'alert': <Notification: New Lead>, 'comments': None}
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/email/doctype/notification/", line 227, in create_system_notification
    recipients, cc, bcc = self.get_list_of_recipients(doc, context)
      self = <Notification: New Lead>
      doc = <Lead: CRMLED2400006>
      context = {'doc': <Lead: CRMLED2400006>, 'alert': <Notification: New Lead>, 'comments': None}
      subject = 'New Lead'
      attachments = None
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/email/doctype/notification/", line 318, in get_list_of_recipients
    if not frappe.safe_eval(recipient.condition, None, context):
      self = <Notification: New Lead>
      doc = <Lead: CRMLED2400006>
      context = {'doc': <Lead: CRMLED2400006>, 'alert': <Notification: New Lead>, 'comments': None}
      recipients = []
      cc = []
      bcc = []
      recipient = <NotificationRecipient: 4b29a1b598 parent=New Lead>
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/", line 2320, in safe_eval
    return safe_eval(code, eval_globals, eval_locals)
      code = ''
      eval_globals = None
      eval_locals = {'doc': <Lead: CRMLED2400006>, 'alert': <Notification: New Lead>, 'comments': None}
      safe_eval = <function safe_eval at 0x7f4ce5a9cb80>
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/utils/", line 123, in safe_eval
    compile_restricted(code, filename="<safe_eval>", policy=FrappeTransformer, mode="eval"),
      code = ''
      eval_globals = {'__builtins__': {}, 'int': <class 'int'>, 'float': <class 'float'>, 'long': <class 'int'>, 'round': <built-in function round>, '_getattr_': <function _get_attr_for_eval at 0x7f4ce5a9d800>, '_getitem_': <function _getitem at 0x7f4ce5a9d6c0>, '_getiter_': <built-in function iter>, '_iter_unpack_sequence_': <function guarded_iter_unpack_sequence at 0x7f4ce5a66e80>}
      eval_locals = {'doc': <Lead: CRMLED2400006>, 'alert': <Notification: New Lead>, 'comments': None}
      unicodedata = <module 'unicodedata' (built-in)>
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/RestrictedPython/", line 211, in compile_restricted
    raise SyntaxError(result.errors)
      source = ''
      filename = '<safe_eval>'
      mode = 'eval'
      flags = 0
      dont_inherit = False
      policy = <class 'frappe.utils.safe_exec.FrappeTransformer'>
      result = CompileResult(code=None, errors=('Line None: MatMult statements are not allowed.',), warnings=[], used_names={'admin': True, 'oitscos': True})
builtins.SyntaxError: ('Line None: MatMult statements are not allowed.',)