Mostly top management use only dashboards … Number cards are the best way to display info for them in a concise manner …
Many of our clients want us to set the background colour of the card as per functionality such as Sales figures should be Green & so on… However we haven’t found any way to do so … We even put up the issue in the office hour, however we were informed that now after Insights, the inbuilt dashboards would be deprecated… I strongly urge @rmehta & the Frappe team not to do that.
The top management in most Indian SME orgs are not so initiated that they would go into Insights & play around with their data … they are very content with getting information on their Mobiles & Tablets in the form of simple Number cards…
Almost all my clients have this complaint that the Number cards are so bland that the don’t feel like looking at them …
Has anyone created any workarounds to change the background colour of Number Cards… ?