Hi All,
We’ve created this custom script that gets ocean vessel data and updates the freight location and data of our shipments. We’ve, also, created a custom form called “Shipment” which enables us to store various data about our logistics. I’ve attached a screenshot of our form, as well, as the script. If we build a dashboard on top of this, we have what Flexport.com and others claim they have about product-level detail of freight.
frappe.ui.form.on("Shipment", "{{Custom Button}}", function(frm) {
var imo = cur_frm.doc.imo_number_vessel;
var settings = {
URL: "{API Call}",
method: "GET",
async: false,
var data = {}; //Marinetraffic.com data
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
data = response;
if(data.length > 0){
var latitude = data[0].LAT;
var longitude = data[0].LON;
var eta = data[0].ETA;
frappe.msgprint("Ship Data Currently Unavailable");
I hope it’s useful for anyone’s supply chain/logistics needs