Once added a field through Customize form - cannot edit it later

In Job Card doctype using customize form i have added few new fields to it. Once i tried to change the field type of the fields i have created it throws an error.
Below i have attached the error thats appearing.

Thanks in Advance!

@Abai Please delete this custom field and add again

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Is there any other way to do this ?

No There is no other way to change the field type data to link field

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And i need to select multiple values in a field but the values are need to loaded from a doctype , through link type i cannot do this . How can i do that ?

That for, use β€œTable MultiSelect Field”

But when i use the field type as Table Multiselect how can i load the values of doctype in that ? @NCP

Without reading the documentation, I can’t provide detailed help. :grinning:
Please check the documentation and explore it. If you want to link a type and add multiple link values, the Table MultiSelect Field will solve your issue.

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