Only If Creator and Role permissions not working in ERPNext 14 and 15

  1. I have checked Only If Creator from the roles permission but the user is able to see the documents which are not created by the user.

  2. I have unchecked all the options in (Navigation Settings, List Settings, and Form Settings) for a role but the options are not hidden for the user, user is able to see the options after the login.

kindly help on these issue, thank you

I am creating a role with the following settings

but the user created with that role is able to see the search bar, side bar etc.

it was working fine in v13, checked in v14 and v15 not working in both.


for the same role I have added role permission

but the user with this role able to see the user which is not created by this user

these two functionalities were perfectly working in v13 and not working in v14 and v15

kindly please help on these issue

Any help on this?

The 1st issue has been resolved by removing user doctype permissions from All role, but the 2nd issue still remains even after unchecking (Navigation Settings, List Settings, and Form Settings) in All role.

2nd issue has been resolved by unchecking options from Desk User