Only show Task assigned to Employee


im trying to figure out how i can set permission for employees when the login that the only see the tasks assigned to them not all other tasks?
Right now if a employee login he sees all tasks not just his.

any help would be great!

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1.Go to “User Permission manager”.
2.Select User i.e employee
3.Select Doc type as “task” and select Respective Task
4. Add a User Restriction. (you can Restrict Multiple Task to employee)

Shraddha Ranjane
New Indictrans Technologies Pvt. Ltd


I did that but it still shows all the other tasks?

Hallo, in this moment, i know, that in the new ERPnext Version 8.x i can assign a task to more than one employee.

But now i also have the same question, how to set up, that a emplyee only can see the tasks and to dos, which are assigned to him.
in the role manager i have the rights for “task” - but either he cannot access the task because of insufficient right, or he can see all tasks.
thanks for help.