Options of a Link field are not translated.

In face this issue creating the Payment Entry, when I clicked the ‘Mode of Payment’ field it shows the options in English which is the original names of them. But they should be translated in Turkish. When I save the document it still shows the English version but when the document is submitted, the Turkish version of the “Mode of Payment” options appear. I tried to change them using Form Scripts like below but it threw an error something like “The source you search does not exist.”

          method: "frappe.client.get_list",
          args: {
            doctype: "Mode of Payment",
            fields: ["name"],
          callback: function (response) {
            if (response && response.message) {
              const mode_of_payments = response.message;
              let translated_options = mode_of_payments.map((mop) => {
                return {
                  label: __(mop.name),
                  name: mop.name,
              frm.fields_dict["mode_of_payment"].df.options =

After save - Draft