Page heading of web view of listing

If we try to have web page of any Doctype like:

then template article_row.html produces the listing of items in that doctype. However on top of list there is a big List as the title of page.

For every DocType this remain the same i.e “List”.

How we can change it, custom for every DocType or " {{ Name of DocType }} - List", for example in case of DocType “Article”, it should be:

Article - List

Found it. Following line is responsible for this:

i.e 8th line of frappe/www/list.html

<h1>{{ title or (_("{0} List").format(_(doctype))) }}</h1>
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If I understood the code correctly, it should render:

Article List

but it render only “List”.

Why {0} is not working. “title” filed is not there. If we remove title or ad keep only (_("{0} List").format(_(doctype))), then it render as:

Article List.

I noticed that title is defined as List somewhere. Can anyone tell where it is assigned “List” value.

Will removing “title or” have any side effect, as it looks that by removing it, page header is:

List like:

Article List

How you all manage it or are you Ok with heading just “List” for all “list views” of all docTypes in web page?

PS: In quoted text there was some typo, which I corrected.

Breadcrumb on list view of web page, is:

My Account > List

should not it be Module > docType List?