Pay Roll Process

Hello Friends,

Please help to process of pay roll how to setup different salary account in charts

Emp: - Parag Kapoor
Account Head 1:- Parag_Kapoor_Salary
Account Head 2:- Parag_Kapoor_Expence

how to book salary to their respective head instead of single head & this is required for the maintenance of EMP payment records

Or can we create Multiple entries for the EMP

Currently if i process the pay roll for all employees entry Only show in single head Payroll Payble and in GL not able to see particular EMP salary amount.

Parag Kapoor

Dear Parag,

May I ask why do you wish to have separate account heads for each employee in the Chart of accounts?
If you want to see the Salary amounts etc in the Reports you can simply add the relevant fields in the reports and generate the report.

Rushikesh Parekh

As per our company we do not transfer the salary as one amount we create a bank entry for each employee this why we want seperate head