Payment Days calculations are wrong on V15 Payroll Settings:

Referring to the attached picture, on V15
Payroll Based On: Attendance
Consider Unmarked Attendance As: Absent
Consider Marked Attendance on Holidays: Disabled

The attendance is marked as holidays are absent, which should not be the result.
Kindly advice.

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@Jannat_Patel Please advice

I am Also Facing Same issue. Kindly Advice

@Jannat_Patel - Facing same issue after migrating to v15. Checked the code but couldn’t find any issues! Can you please check and advice.

Hi ,

I took a quick glance at the code and I’d suggest investigating the output of the ‘getdate’ method (being used to confirm if the attendance date falls on a holiday) in the block of code referenced below:

You need to be sure it’s returning the date in the expected format


I’d also recommend opening a Github Issue for this

Kind regards,

Facing the same issue, I will raise a ticket, hopefully they will fix this out.

Update above changes in the code and try.