Payment terms configuration

Just to know if someone can explain or point me to the right direction on how in ERPNext can approach (if possible) this situation;

Let say I sell an item to a customer;

  1. I want to apply a discount of 30% of the net total if the customer pays within the next 15 days before payment due date.

  2. Then when entering a customer payment (within the 15 days) automatically view the discount in the customer (which is the amount due based on the payment term).

  3. Otherwise, if the customer pays after the payment due date then the customer pays the net total (without the discount).

I try to do this with Payment Terms configuration, but maybe I don’t know how to configure this correctly or that module it is not the correct one to use.

Also I don’t know if this can be approach automatically or the discount have to be applied manually when entering the customer payment.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @eirizarry
Presently Payment Terms cannot yet treat discounts. We are planning on adding this as soon as possible.

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Thanks @tundebabzy for the response. Good to know.

Hey @tundebabzy we were about to start on a similar feature for discounts in terms template - so glad we saw that you guys had been working so hard on this. Please let me know where you are on this and where the work is being done with a link to the pull request or fork @tmatteson is also working on this with me. Please advise.

I haven’t started any new work on Payment Terms. No updates so you can carry on from what’s on ground

Hey @tundebabzy - I’d like to pick this up where you’ve left it and contribute it. Can we organize a call to discuss the handoff?

Step 1:
Modify Payment Term so there are discount triggers available. It makes sense to me that the account is set here also.

Step 2:
The only way I can see this working is to add a validation or submit triggered function to Payment Entry to check the SI/PI for a discount against payment terms.