Payroll Entry Submit Payslips - Error

Hi everyone,
I get a notification when submitting payslips via Payroll Entry

“No salary slip found to submit for the above selected criteria OR salary slip already submitted”

I have created my payroll entry with:
Salary Slip Based on Timesheet checked

After submitting my payroll entry, it was able to create the payslips.
However, when I click the button “submit payslips” I receive the notification mentioned.

Im running V11 via staging branch
I was able to submit a first payroll entry with the same set of employees, only different week.
Also the 2 employee has the same department but different designation
Only the department field was used in the payroll entry filter.

Could you please check it’s due to Weekly payroll setting. Perhaps one of the day of the week is overlapping? Could you please check the exact dates for the old Payroll and compare dates with latest?

Hi umair,
Sorry, i forgot to update the thread. The error was probably made by my self. I might have forgotten to build or migrate and clear my cache. I was not able to see that the department name has been updated with a company Abbreviation. And the one that is displayed was the old one.


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