what i need to do is
we need to petty cash the Employees a gainst that Petty account
so i creat a Journal entry
and from party i can choose employee
but i got a messgae that party should be applicable only if the a ccount is recievable or payble
after my disccusion with accountant he told me that the petty cash is not a recivable or payble
so how we can make a transaction a gainst that a ccount ?
Dear that mean if u have 1000 employee
u have to create 1000 account , one for each one
is it logic?
what i am seeking for is one a ccount which contain different transaction a gainst every employee
for example
party type -: employee
party -: employee name
account -: petty cash account
so that all employees will use same a ccount but the name only will be the distanguish factor,
without need to creat 1000 a ccount one for each.
am i right ?