July 30, 2024, 6:58am
Dashboard Chart Pie Chart when change timeseries filter then not update the label or their value based on that filter when click on refresh button then update the label or their values and also not work in percentage chart also
July 30, 2024, 7:22am
This bug was reported 2 years ago!
opened 11:51AM - 07 Feb 22 UTC
Issue : There are a couple of issues when we filter status wise for Work Order A… nalysis on Manufacturing Dashboard
Steps to reproduce :
1. Go to Manufacturing Dashboard ---> Work Order Analysis
2. Click on filter icon and change the status to any one say "Completed"
Observed Issues :
1. On changing status the numbers shown below status legend disappear and only number for filtered status is shown
2. On changing status the colour in pie chart is updated only to any one colour instead of updating it to the color that represents that status in the legend
3. Colours for statuses keep shuffling
Snippet :

For instance, as seen in the recording the colour for Not Started is blue as shown in legend but on filtering through status = Not Started, colour of pie chart still remains blue and colour for Not Started in legend changes to green
July 30, 2024, 7:30am
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