Plan for Update after Submit other than Sales Invoice?

A primary pain point in my use is the need to correct the project, cost center, or account that users entered on submitted quotes, purchase orders, supplier invoices, and payments.

It’s really nice to see v15 implementing this with Editable Sales Invoices. I wonder if there are plans to extend this pattern more broadly to other doctypes? Is there a correctness reason to permit it on invoices but not elsewhere?

Hi @twarge,

If you want to set allow after submit for other doctype then check the documentation.

Sometimes, work might not happen smoothly for various reasons, and it can have financial consequences. When you make changes, the system may not handle them properly. However, in version 15, certain document types can be adjusted after submission, but this is controlled through code and a viewing concept.

I hope this helps.

Thank You!

Yes, I was aware of this feature; however, it doesn’t work for standard/built-in fields. You will find at the bottom of the first link: “Note: The Allow on Submit feature works only for non-standard fields (custom fields).”

Hi @twarge,

You can sometimes change certain things using the “Properly Setter” tools as long as it doesn’t impact any reports or leaders.

Maybe you are aware of it.

Thank You!