POS Awesome installation on docker.

Hello, so I’m relatively new to the community. Been a month or so since i started using erpnext and I just find it amazing. After much research and use, I’ve started getting the hang on the different modules of the system. This has led me to wanting to improve it by tweaking some modifications to the point of sales. This led me to POS Awesome. I’m hosting ERPnext through desktop docker, and using the latest version from branch 14. Yet after trying many times I have kept failing at installing a custom app to my running ERPnext. If anyone can help I’m going to detail my issue.

I installed ERPnext on docker through the pwd.yml file from frappe docker.
installation steps:
Install Desktop Docker
Install pwd.yml file from repository
Run cmd
Setup docker: docker compose -p pwd -f pwd.yml up -d
Setup site: docker logs pwd-create-site-1 -f
These steps worked perfectly without any issues every time.

Yet when i tried to follow the steps to install a custom app, I faced errors everywhere.
Steps to install a custom app:
Find backend container and access frappe: docker exec -it /bin/bash
Get app you want: bench get-app https://link
Bench setup requirements
After successful download, install app to site: bench --site <site_name> install-app <app_name>
then Migrate changes to db: bench --site <site_name> migrate
After migration stop all containers.
recompose containers: docker compose -p pwd -f pwd.yml up -d
now you can restart: bench restart.
Here after Installing the app at the beginning, I would always face an error with step 2 “bench setup requirements”. After research it seemed like the error was related to my directory not being a git repository. (for both frappe and erpnext).
skipping step 2
everything else seemed to work fine except the bench restart command which would also return an issue with a file missing (couldn’t locate file or something).

Following these steps and after restarting my site would look normal except that i would see pos awesome added in the modules. yet when i try to open it from the shortcut i either get module not found or a blank page.
I tried bench build, resulted in breaking the rendering in frontend (site would look weird without proper buttons etc…).

Can anyone relate? Does anyone have a fix?