PoS Line item Discount not working?

I just installed a fresh production install of erpNext and imported my items and began to start going through transactions so I can get more familiar with the system.

On my previous installs, if memory serves me correctly, when I added an item to the PoS, and selected the line item and touched Disc on the keypad and punched in a number, i thought the line item price updated in real time to reflect the discounted price. When i do it now, the Discount section of the line item reflects the number I entered, but the rate stays the same.

If I check out, the discount does not apply. I do not remember doing anything special on my last installs, can anyone help with possibly what I forgot to do?

I am recieving this in my javascript console, is this related?

base_amount: could not find docfield in method precision()

Thank you

I rolled back to version – 10.0.23 and the discount button in the PoS works as expected. Is anyone else experiencing issues? On version 10.1.4 is the version I was having issues with the discount button in PoS.