Pos payment mod

Can I use multiple payment mode in pos invoice

i did the following steps
1- Added multi mayment mod
2- Linked payment mod with pos profile
3- generated pos invoice and within payment (the default is cash)
4- I tried to change mod (credit - voucher) but it was submitted as unpaid invoice

Is there anything else I have to do ??

hi @m_anssary

It’s working properly,
Have you set the account on the mode of payment against the company

Can you share the gif or screenshots of the steps?

hi rohit_w
these are the steps

as the screen shot abov when i try to change payment mod from cash as default the paid amount become zero

please advice

Hi @m_anssary,

By default system set the outstanding amount to the cash, so if you want to change the type of payment you have to make cash as zero or with help of keyboard change the amount and then on click of another mode of payment outstanding amount set to the respective. For more details please check below GIF

hi rohit_w
i’m sorry for being annoying

there is something wrong
the same result
please check the Link Below if there is something missed

Payment Mod

Hi @m_anssary,

Thanks for sharing the video.
I have identified and fixed the issue, it was with currency symbol. Soon we’ll release the fix

Thanks, Rohit

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