We are using a SEWOO recipt printer. Could somebody advice how to set printer for cutting on print area. It is using only default paper height as 82.5 X 297mm. If we choose Printer roll 82.5 X roll it is printing using lot paper. We tried with customised Prtint Format but not able to locate exactly Auto paper size.
There is a special code i think that gets passed (to the printer) when it detects “page end” so the knife cuts it off. That code is triggered at the end of page. If you have a default paper height, then it will follow that paper height. You need to change the paper type (to a roll). I dont know of this particular printer. But that is the concept!
This has been covered in below thread. Kindly close this thread
Usually thermal print receipts wont support HTML, they support ESC/POS Commands
Do you can check that into the manual, of one of thermal printers of this vendor you need to send ESC/POS commands to the printer.
You may can use GitHub - techmaxsolucoes/py-xml-escpos: Print XML formated receipts on ESC/POS printers, in Python. to program your own print dumps to the printer, or make use of Print Node Integration for Frappe Framework
That already supports the generation of ESC/POS commands to thermal printer from an jinja template using XML ESC/POS syntaxis
Thanks Gentlemen for your support and suggestions. Unfortunately it was difficult for us as Functional users to understand these programming for such a simple task as printing a receipt. Since we had to start operations we dumped ERPnext as we were encountering issues at every turn. We are using a separate POS system which was easy to import products and very minimal setup.
@hasif ERPNext can be daunting if you are new and want to implement it without prior knowledge. You can still use it for non-pos related work if your current software does not have deep accounting and invetory management. We do restaurant and retails wherein clients usually have separate software for pos but use erp for everything else.
Standalone software like Abacre are very straight forward and quick to move into operation but have limited functionality. I would say almost every restaurant pos has limited features. Actually you would be better off using standalone system if you have about 2-3 outlets. But you benefit immensely on an erp backed pos such as ERPNext once you scale up your business, purchasing value & frequency increases, employees increase, stock in warehouse is of high value and so on.
I would recommend that you keep testing and trying ERPNext in non-production environment, get deeper knowledge, search forum for solution and if need be get a service provider assistance who is close to your area of operation. Best of luck.
Please which POS system did you switch to?
Make change to margin in browser print setting to none.
And make min height to 5inch.
Without the margin it will not waste alot of paper
Also change line height in css to 100% instead of 200%