If the customer did not pay today, I enter 0 value (i.e. unpaid) after I click the complete order button, it shows a message. how to stop the restriction.
so many customers do not pay on the spot.
If the customer did not pay today, I enter 0 value (i.e. unpaid) after I click the complete order button, it shows a message. how to stop the restriction.
so many customers do not pay on the spot.
For that case, you can’t submit the order but you can save it as a Draft stage.
Please check it.
After saving the order check in the POS invoice. when customer’s payment is received then check it.
Open it and enter the payment and submit it.
I hope this helps.
Thank You!
Oh thanks for sharing. If any possible to add credit option near cash? Like if customer on the spot pay credit amount is 0 , cash value is some amount. If not pay on the spot, credit some value and cash value 0.
We have sale milk through sales person If customer pay or nor, we want to complete the order in on the spot.
Any solution is possible, please tell me brother?