Postgres Bug with v-15

Hello Everybody,
using frappe v-15, with postgres we keep getting same error “nocolumn doctype of relation tabDefault Value
it’s almost for all tables,
another example

[\"Error in query:\\ncolumn \\\"doctype\\\" of relation \\\"tabOffer\\\" does not exist\\nLINE 1: ...\\\", \\\"modified\\\", \\\"modified_by\\\", \\\"docstatus\\\", \\\"idx\\\", \\\"doctype\\\",...\\n                                                             ^\\n\"]"

Couldn’t proceed with saving anything

Hi @Zeinab_Mohammed,

postgres isn’t fully supported on erpnext yet.

Thank You!

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Try postgres v14.11 with frappe app.
It works

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Okay , the issue disappears when we restart the bench, but returns after time, could it be caching problem?

We already use it

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The error is related to a missing column in Offer DocType. Maybe is part of your code.


Actually it occurs on every save of any document, offers here is just an example,
here is another example on saving "Email Account:

Response Data

	"exception": "",
	"exc_type": "UndefinedColumn",
	"_debug_messages": "[\"Error in query:\\ncolumn \\\"doctype\\\" of relation \\\"tabIMAP Folder\\\" does not exist\\nLINE 2: ..._by\\\"='Administrator', \\\"docstatus\\\"='0', \\\"idx\\\"='1', \\\"doctype\\\"=...\\n                                                             ^\\n\"]"

problem disappears temporarily on clearing cache so it may be something related to caching, not sure