Pre-customised apps

While installing following:

Education: v15.3.0 (develop)
ERPNext: v15.23.0 (version-15)
Frappe Framework: v15.26.0 (version-15)

I noticed that, for fresh install of ERPNext and Education, there is already some amount of customisation.

The number of records in tables: tabCustom Field and tabProperty Setter are:

App / Custom Field / Property Setter
Frappe / 0 / 0
ERPNext / 6 / 108
Education / 14 / 108

I was expecting these tables to be empty. Why fresh installation of these apps contain this customisation?

@hsrai since frappe is breaking the monolitic of ERPNext, fresh installations having custom fields, will be the defacto instandard!

It’s an treadeoff of breaking the monolitic! Otherwise how those apps will add they “references” needed on standard doctypes?