Pre-installed Virtual Box Image not working , stuck at terminal


I have downloaded the Production Image from … when I start the machine it keeps on loading at terminal window. Kindly suggest.





What kind of .ova you using?

The latest is 64-bit, yours showing 32-bit.
Please download latest and try again.

Virtualbox version?
Verzió: 5.2.8 r121009 (Qt5.6.1)

Hope this helps.

It is the latest one, but the virtualbox is showing only 32 bit OS

I haven’t got information of your purpose in using ERPNext but I strongly recommend for using Docker in development / testing and even for production purpose. It’s more easy, fast and free your time from solving hard works

I believe need to enable virtualization from BIOS :face_with_raised_eyebrow: its resolved

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[quote=“krnkris, post:3, topic:35597, full:true”]The latest is 64-bit, yours showing 32-bit.
Please download latest and try again.[/quote]

vbox has a strange tendency to show Ubuntu (32-bit) as the OS when you import a 64-bit image. No idea why, but a reboot always fixes it.