how do i print the name of the user who prepared the quote?
There is fields owner and modified_by on document. which gives you Owner of document (user who created) and modified_by (User who last modified document).
for that you can use below syntax in print format,
Owner - {{ doc.owner }}
Modified By - {{ doc.modified_by }}
Hi Sangram, I get email id of teh person who created or modified the document. is there a way that I get his name?
and is it possible to do this via print form builder? thanks
thank you, how can i add designation of the person below it?
Hi @yashwantc,
Designations are linked in Employee form so you will need to pull Designation from Employee
{{ frappe.db.get_value("Employee", { "user_id": doc.modified_by }, "designation") or "" }}
It will only work if Modified By
user has a linked Employee Document.
Thanks, Makarand